You can refer to this page for the most relevant and up to date information about the on-goings of the project. Last updated: April 29th, 2023

Chowtime 2.0?

After Playground Season 1 (currently in progress and almost done) is complete. Updates to the original Chow Time to be made as well.

The Boomer Squad ecosystem is growing day by day, along with unique user count and more fun events/activities being planned. With our Boom Room release completed and staking underway, the secondary sales royalties from the Component mint are being distributed via Verified Distribution with the Mattress Fund. All projects which make use of our Launchpad provide our Boomers with some exclusive whitelist access along with royalties from the mint. You can rest easy with investing into a fully doxxed inhouse team of professionals licensed under an LLC with a good track record of keeping our promises and delivering on time. (Chow Time, Boom Rooms, Zoomers, Playground). We always keep our holders as the top priority.

We have not yet announced the next big 'leg' of our project, and you will see some teasers for it further below. Currently, we are in a bit of a transition period with our Zoomers and Playground drop wrapping up. We are using this time to do some internal clean up and work on some quality of life updates while we organize what will be publicly released. Boomers will, of course, benefit.

We are constantly expanding our reach both cross chain and #crofam - extending our scope and drawing in holders which may not be interested in the main trunk of our project, but a branch of it (Boomer Launchpad, Boomer Radio, BSAC, Boom Rooms, 3PL, Playground, affiliates, etc) which puts more eyes on the project and allows us to provide additional streams of revenue back to our Boomers.

A Boomer is required to remove the Boom Room $Scratch Tax (50%). You can still make use of your Boom Room and accumulate $Scratch without a Boomer, but you will receive less $Scratch without one when you go to claim. Games and events also provide value to the boomers in the form of the Mattress Fund (Everything that has returned funds to the mattress so far: Boomer Mint, Chow Time, Boom Room Mint, Component Mint, Launchpad projects, Playground, Zoomer mint, all secondary sales, and more to come).

Boomers will also benefit from reduced fee in our upcoming Marketplace. This is in addition to the reward system we are implementing for holders.

We will (and have begun) implementing web2 services in the web3 space which integrates the two in a seamless way. The creation of the Web3 Pawn Shop & Bazaar gives a bit of an idea of how we see this vision. Our 3PL model is live, facilitating our integration of web2 into web3. Lots of updates to come here.

We have also most recently adopted the use of Zealy - an application designed as a social engagement tool for online communities. We will be using is as a social engagement tool and encourage it's use with prizes for participating. This is exclusive to Boomer Squad NFT holders exclusive giveaway channels and opportunities.

Our timeline looks a little bit different nowadays - we have simply reached a point where pointing to a linear timeline is not really feasible any longer. However, we still want you guys to be able to know what we're up to as we have always preached transparency and accessibility. We have recently released some of our internal documents which demonstrate our priorities in the short/medium/long term. Some of it is redacted for now as we are actively working on them.

How do I claim my royalties?

Verified Distribution is what we have named our distribution method. Your accumulated royalties can be claimed at any time from the "My Boomers" section of our website.

How do I verify Boomer/Zoomer/Boom Room ownership in Discord?

Join this channel and follow the steps outlined. Don't forget the space after verify! You will gain access to Boomer exclusive channels and information/giveaways. The Zoomer / Boom Room verification is still under development but will be live soon.

Zoomers Snapshot?

Snapshot has been taken as of February 20th, 2023. For every 3 boomers you held in your wallet, you will be eligible for a free Zoomer mint. Mint will be on the week of the 20th of March.

Last updated

Change request #311: