🇮🇹Chow Time 2.0
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The game is easy to play and fun to master. Your goal is to combine 4 (5 with a dessert multiplier) items to complete a meal. Once you have a completed meal, you will turn it in for a set amount of points. There are 5 categories of ingredients; Main Course, Breads, Drinks, Appetizers & Desserts. Each category will have multiple types such as Pizza and Risotto for a Main Course or Water and Wine for drinks. To complete a meal you must use one ingredient from each category (dessert being optional).
Ingredients are obtained by either minting a random one from the Chow Time smart contract (directly through our website) or buying them off of the built in market available to Chow Time players. Players will be able to exchange ingredients by selling them to one another. Each ingredient will hold different values and each ingredient’s value can (and most often does) change over time. The total turn in value of the meal is the sum of each ingredient used to complete your meal at the time it is turned in.
Total Supply of ingredients - 60,000
Cost Per Ingredient - 10 CRO
Distribution - Random
Total Potential Game Pot - 600,000 $CRO
Max Mint per wallet - No limit (40 Max per transaction - the more you mint at once, the more gas efficient it is)
The value of each individual ingredient can change over time as more of each specific ingredient are turned in. Every ingredient will have a specific value table that is published before the game begins so that you can pre-plan how to attack the game as it progresses. Ingredient value tables will change in the following ways:
Stay at the same value for the entire game (Desserts)
Start at a high turn in value that decreases as more are turned in
Start at a low turn in value that increases as more are turned in
Some will increase and decrease over time
The game will conclude at a set date and time. At that point, any ingredients that are not turned in will no longer hold any value to the Chow Time game. All remaining CRO left in the pot at the end is split between the Dev team wallet and Boomer Squad NFT holders via verified distribution.
In addition to the normal Chow Time prize pool there will be Achievement prizes that are awarded to the unique wallets that turn in the most of a particular type of ingredient or overall meal count.
Hidden Achievements - There are several secret achievements that will be revealed after the game is complete. The wallets that meet these hidden condition(s) will receive extra prizes.