Boomer Style
Last updated
Boomer Style
Last updated
Our Bingo game is fairly straightforward! We use the BoomerSquad NFT Traits to determine the 'value' of each Boomer NFT and line them up in each column.
For example, for the "B" column, the Traits being observed are "Background" & "Skin". When you select the Boomer you will use for that column, it will only care about it's "Background" & "Skin" Traits. The numbers generated on your Boomer on the card itself are simply numerical representations of the Traits themselves.
Each round will have a different set of 'rules' or 'game settings'. Currently, the winning card is simply the first one to get fully picked. Each square costs a certain amount of $Scratch, as determined by the game settings. Once all cards are full, the winning numbers will soon start being picked until a card is fully checked off. If you had placed a Boomer on the winning card, you will receive a split of the prize winnings in $Scratch.
You can go about it a number of different ways. You can try to match up with existing Traits already in your column and hope that number gets picked for a double check off. Or you can try to mix it up and get a good spread of Traits all over. There are no truly 'bad' ways to play. If you just want to use your favorite boomers, then that's a fine strategy as well!
The prize winnings are distributed as follows:
25% is burned.
10% goes to the Mattress Fund.
65% is split among the winning boomers evenly.
If you see a Bingo card with green checkmarks on it and a faded out Boomer, this means that the game is either completed or we are actively in the process of drawing the winning numbers (this would mean the current active game has all of the BINGO card slots filled). A checkmark indicates that this slot has already been drawn.