Tips & Tricks

Pioneer Program + Trading Rewards

As a Cronos zkEVM Launch Partner, we are part of the Pioneer Program and Triple Yield claim opportunity. This is in addition to being eligible for end-user grant rewards based on platform performance.

With that said, the Pioneer Program and incentives can be a bit confusing to all put together and get to the bottom of. We've written a short guide to walk you through how you can maximize your rewards by taking advantage of the programs available as far as the platform is concerned.


  1. Transact with the website daily

  2. Enter Puush To Win daily

  3. Hold 3,000,000,000 $PUUSH to maximize your point multiplier

  4. Burn X $PUUSH to maximize your point multiplier

  5. Buying is worth more points than Selling.

  6. Holding tokens of a graduating coin will provide bonus points

  7. Meme creators gain bonus points if their token creation graduates

The more consistent you are in following the above, the higher your point score will be resulting in a higher share of the trading rewards.


  1. Transact with the website daily

  2. Enter Puush To Win daily

  3. Complete the missions found on the Cronos zkEVM Missions Page

  4. Complete the missions found on the Cronos Galxe Quest Page

You'll notice that there is some overlap between the Trading Rewards and Pioneer Program tips. This is by design in order to provide maximum incentives. By following these steps, you will maximize the Pioneer Points you are able to extract from related functions (and earn some Trading Rewards at the same time!)

Last updated