โ„น๏ธBoomer API

Public API Documentation

Boomer Squad Public API

Welcome to the Boomer Squad Public API documentation! This API allows developers to access important data related to the Boomer Squad ecosystem. Our aim is to provide an easy-to-use and up-to-date interface for retrieving information about token prices and other relevant data. Base Endpoint

The base URL for all API requests is:

All requests to our API should be made to this base URL.

Available Endpoints

Get Token Price Data


Description: This endpoint retrieves the token price data. Users can specify a block number to get historical data or use 'latest' to get the most recent data.




An integer representing the block number, or the string 'latest'. The API is case-insensitive to the string 'latest'.


Field Description


Price of CRO in USD.


Price of SCRATCH in CRO.


Price of SCRATCH in USD.


The block number requested.


Timestamp of the data.

SCRATCHCRO and SCRATCHUSD are returned with 5 decimal places.

Rate Limits

To ensure fair usage and stability of the Boomer Squad Public API, we have implemented a rate limit policy. Each IP address is limited to 20 requests per second. We believe this rate limit is sufficient for most use cases while preventing abuse of the service.

If you exceed this rate limit, your requests will be temporarily blocked until the rate limit window resets. We encourage developers to implement efficient and responsible API request strategies to avoid hitting these limits.

Last updated