Puush To Win
It's not a pyramid scheme it's a reverse funnel
Last updated
It's not a pyramid scheme it's a reverse funnel
Last updated
Jackpot: Be the last PUUSHER in the game when the timer runs out to win the Jackpot.
Every PUUSH adds 10 CRO to the Jackpot and 10 minutes to the timer.
The Jackpot winner can claim once a new game begins.
Entry Bonus: If the CURRENT game reaches double the round that you previously PUUSHED, you will win an entry bonus of 170 CRO.
The Entry Bonus is split into 2 gains of 85 CRO each.
If a NEW GAME begins before you have won Entry Bonus, you LOSE the ability to get an Entry Bonus for the round that you PUUSHED.
Every PUUSH you make has a potential to win Entry Bonus.
You can PUUSH as many times as you want.
Entry Bonus Example: PUUSHER #10 wins 85 CRO on entry rounds 19 and 20.
Puush.fun is not responsible for any outcomes of the game as a result of website outages as the game runs on block. Play at your own risk